Thoroughly unimpressed with the t-shirt designs you see at stores? And that's probably before you look at the price tag... Why not take full control and just design the shirt yourself? ooShirts features an easy to use
design lab which will allow you to create great looking shirts in no time.
Upload Your Own Photo
If you already have a design ready, just upload your picture to our
design lab and position it on one of the many garments we offer. To ensure that your design comes out clear and sharp, upload a photo that is high resolution or at least 300dpi (dots per inch)
Keep Costs Down
We know that some pictures that you may want to use just have too many colors to make them cost-efficient. ooShirts offers a "change image color" tool in our design lab that will convert your image into a single solid color. Alternatively, if your design uses a color that matches the shirt color, we can make that color appear transparent with the shirt so you can reduce the amount of colors the design print requires! Ordering
great custom t-shirts certainly doesn't have to break the bank.
Add Text
We also offer a large variety of fonts for logos, captions, business names, slogans, or whatever else you'd like your shirt to say. Our design lab allows you to easily manipulate the font, color, size, alignment, and spacing.
Find Out How Much Your Design Costs
Finally, when you are finished with your shirt design, you can request an instant quote using our "Get Quote" tool. The more shirts you order, the lower the cost per shirt, so spread the love and order a few for your friends, family, teachers, co-workers, whomever you'd like! ooShirts guarantees you that the quotes that we give you will be the
cheapest quotes you will find on the web.