Custom T-Shirts for Businesses - Design Tips
We know what it's like to do business. A great looking t-shirt for your business can be exactly what you need to take your company to the next level. From small startups to large corporations, these basic tips can help make sure that your t-shirt, as well as your company, get more attention.Pick your approach.
From our experience, there are two main approaches to business t-shirts. They each include separate, yet distinct features that advertise your business.-The Stylistic Approach
» Company Name
» Logo
» Website URL, or a way of contact
» Catchphrase or motto
-The Straightforward Approach
» Company Name
» Services Provided
» Phone number and hours
On the left is an example of a stylistic approach, while on the right, an example of a straightforward approach. Both t-shirts look professional, get the message across, and are great to wear.

Keep it Simple
To keep your custom shirt looking professional, keep the design simple. Omit words and images that aren't necessary information. Your shirt may be an advertisement, but it is not a lengthy commercial.
Logo Placement
There are many different styles of business logo placement. A small logo on the left chest or a big logo on the middle back are the most common professional looks. Don't have your own business logo yet? Check out our extensive "Occupations" clipart library in the design lab - you'll find lots of related clipart if you're anything from a chef to a construction worker. It's updated often, free to use and customizable.Font Choice
The best fonts for business t-shirts aren't flashy unless they're part of the logo. Often more than not, simple fonts such as 'Baskerville Old Face', 'Century Gothic' and 'Centaur' play the part well in displaying important information such as phone numbers and location. Visibility and readability is key for business style t-shirts.Colors
A white tee, though cheap, simple, and basic, doesn't always necessarily scream business. We suggest bold colors for your t-shirt color that relate to your logo or your business. Font colors should contrast nicely (gold on navy, for example) and relate to your logo or business as well.
Design Tip Library
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